Jumat, 17 Maret 2017

Should we drink water after waking up in the morning?

image from: http://www.sydneywater.com.au/SW/water-the-environment/how-we-manage-sydney-s-water/safe-drinking-water/index.htm

It is common suggestion from health professional to drink enough water and get enough sleeping. People should drink at least eight glasses of water and sleep about 6-8 hours each day. Some have assumption that drinking water after waking up is important to manage sleeping and drinking time. Is it true or not? How will the body regulate water needed during sleeping? Do people still need drinking directly after waking up?
 Human body is composed by about 60-70% of water. Different people have different percentages of water inside. The baby has about 78% water. The amount will drop year to year. An Adult man body usually consists of 60% water. In adult women, whose fat composition is more, have 55%. People with more fatty tissue have less percentage of water.
Physiologically, people will drink water to fulfill fluid needed. Stimulus for drinking starts by thirst. According to Popkin et al. (2010), water deficiency triggers brain to initiate drinking willingness. By feeling dry mount and throat, people are influenced to search something that can be drunk. Shaffer and Thompson(1994) explained that after leaving upper digestive system, water is absorbed in the intestine and colon. The rate depends on stomach condition. Absorption time of water in empty stomach occurs within 5 minutes. But we may have to wait about 45 minutes after eating in order that water reaches the intestine. All water that enters the body will pass the kidney. Much of it is flushed out in urine or pee involving excretion system. Body also excretes in sweating and breathing.
Even though body regulates water in short time, the mechanism adjusts on the activity. Neurophysiologist, Bourque and Trudel, identified circadian system control water regulation during sleeping. They found body’s internal clock control concept. During waking up hours, the body balances hydration status by fluid intake that involves thirsty sensation normally. Sleeping period bring the body to change water need regulation. Thompson(2016) told that anti diuretic hormone will increase while sleeping. It prevents urination and thirsty but it cannot stop detoxification and urine production. Detoxification produces toxin that must go out passing through urine. Urine will release if the volume is enough. A long night sleeping result more toxins blended in urine that accumulates in bladder. During sleeping, the body still evaporates fluid through sweating and breathing. That is why after waking up urine color is darker. Darker urine is dehydration sign. Drinking water will help rehydrate the cells and increase urine volume which stimulates urination contained toxins to go out from the body.
Sleeping decreases metabolism rate about 15 % until minimum rate. Pure water intake after waking up will activate metabolism process from resting to normal. Water also has main role in protein metabolism. Protein is developing element to maintain body’s immunity. By drinking enough water, we indirectly keep the immunity in good condition.
So, here have you got the whole idea? Drinking water is triggered by water deficiency. The body has internal clock control concept to regulate water status during waking up hours or sleeping period. Drinking water after waking up will help the body to rehydrate the cell, flush out the toxins, start metabolism process and keep the immunity. Don’t you want to get those benefits? Start to drink water after you wake up tomorrow!.  (Mutik)

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